گریس مولیکوت MOLYKOTE 111 Compound

مشخصات محصول
  • Grease/Oil : Grease
  • دمای کاری : -40 تا +200 درجه سانتیگراد
توضیحات کوتاه
گریس مولیکوت MOLYKOTE 111 Compound Lubrication for control and pressure plug valves, water softener and faucet valves. Sealant for vacuum and pressure systems and outdoor equipment (also shipboard) subject to washing and harsh environmental exposure, such as meters, electrical service entrance and underground connections. Damping medium for dash pots in electrical and electronic equipment. As an anti-stick and a sealant…
قیمت تومان

گریس مولیکوت MOLYKOTE 111 Compound

– Excellent water resistance
– Compatible with many plastics and elastomers
– Low vapor pressure
– Low volatility
– Meets several global standards for water contact
– No intentional polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

• Silicone oil
• Inorganic thickener


  • Grease/Oil Grease
  • دمای کاری -40 تا +200 درجه سانتیگراد

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