گریس اوراپی ORAPI 606 CTDMEP2

مشخصات محصول
  • Grease/Oil : Grease
  • DROP POINT : 240
  • NLGI : 2
  • Service Temperature : -30 ~ +180
توضیحات کوتاه
گریس اوراپی ORAPI 606 CTDMEP2 EP SYNTHETIC GREASE HIGH-PERFORMANCE, MULTI-PURPOSE GREASE CTDMEP 2 is a semi-synthetic, high-performance and long-lasting grease.
قیمت تومان

گریس اوراپی ORAPI 606 CTDMEP2

CT DM EP2 is particularly suited to:
use as a multi-purpose grease for main bearings and bearings, even under heavy loads, running at speeds of 500 to 8,000 rotations/minute.
minimum temperature of -30 to max temperature of +230°C

lubrication with grease under difficult conditions (sliding and friction).
lubrication of electric engines and bearings in explosive environments.


  • Grease/Oil Grease
  • DROP POINT 240
  • NLGI 2
  • Service Temperature -30 ~ +180

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