گریس مولیکوت MOLYKOTE P-37 Paste

مشخصات محصول
  • Grease/Oil : Grease
توضیحات کوتاه
گریس مولیکوت MOLYKOTE P-37 Paste Extremely pure, solid lubricant paste for bolted joints; contains no lead, nickel, sulfur, chlorine or fluorine Composition • Mineral oil • Special solid lubricants
قیمت تومان

گریس مولیکوت MOLYKOTE P-37 Past


Features & benefits
• Compatible with high temperatures (1,400°C)
• Excellent load-carrying capacity and seize protection
• Sulfur content of less than 250 ppm, with a total halogen
content (including chlorine) of less than 200 ppm
• Low seepage, so it can be used in places wherein cleanliness
is required
• Allows screws to be removed easily, even after extended
periods of use at high temperatures
• Does not include components that become brittle at high

Suitable for screws, nuts and bolts that are subjected to extremely
high temperatures and are made of heat-resistant or extremely
heat-resistant steels (e.g., those made from nickel-based alloys).
Used successfully for the bolted joints of gas and steam turbines
in power stations.


  • Grease/Oil Grease

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